Directions to Hartlepool Community Trust
Postcode for use with sat navs – TS24 7QT. Hartlepower’s address can be found on our website - however most satnavs do not take you to the right place - so please use the instructions below

If travelling from south of Hartlepool (such as Stockton & Middlesbrough)
From the A19, drive into Hartlepool on the A689. Continue ahead through two roundabouts. After the second roundabout, pass industrial units on right and the Belle Vue Community Centre & housing on the left. Not long before the town centre, reach the Tesco roundabout (store and extensive car park on your right).
Turn left at the Tesco roundabout, then turn first right after about 150 metres from the roundabout. Greenbank – a stately, white, large old house set in grounds – faces you slightly to the left as you drive past a crescent of shops to the right and gardens to left. Turn left at the corner of the gardens and immediately right through the open, wrought iron gates – then up the drive passing the grassed area with trees. If no spaces, see “Parking” section below.
If travelling from north of Hartlepool (such as Sunderland & Newcastle)
Leave the A19 at the first turn off for Hartlepool (the A179) then left at the top of the slip road. Continue straight on for 3 or so miles – crossing 3 roundabouts.
At the fourth roundabout turn right and continue for half a mile to a roundabout. Take the second exit and carry on until the next roundabout – passing through traffic lights along the way.
At the next roundabout turn right and continue uphill to the next roundabout. Continue straight on – passing Asda on the right and the Historic Quay on the left.
At the next roundabout take the second exit and continue ahead, passing through several sets of lights until you reach another roundabout. Turn right (3rd exit).
After about 150m turn right by a small park (on your left).
Turn left after c. 100m and then immediately right through iron gates guarded by two lions on gateposts – drive up the drive to reach Greenbank – park anywhere around the building. If no spaces, see below.

Parking is available around the building. Parking is offered first come, first served and we cannot guarantee a space. If there are no spaces you can park in the linear car park adjacent to the grounds – next to Hartlepower’s Energy Hub 1.